Explara Live Events with Zoom

With Explara, you can use Zoom to host online live events. To use this feature, here is the step by step instructions.

Go to your Explara Account ‘profile & settings’ https://www.explara.com/a/account/profile/edit-profile

Click on ‘Organization’ and then ‘Live Event’, it will open the page:  https://www.explara.com/a/account/manage/live

In this page, you will see "Zoom Authorize"

Click the Authorize button 

It will redirect you to Zoom.us sign-in page

Once you successfully sign in on Zoom and authorize, You will be redirected to https://www.explara.com/a/account/manage/live

You have now successfully linked your Zoom account with Explara


To uninstall and De-authorize Explara for your Zoom account, please go to https://www.explara.com/a/account/manage/live

In this page, you will see

Zoom Revoke Access

Click the “Revoke Access’ button 

Explara will remove your authorization and disassociate your zoom account from your Explara account.


How to Use

After successful authorization, you can create a Live event on Explara.

When you click to create an event, you can input all the required information on https://www.explara.com/create-event

To publish Online Live Event, select ‘Online Live Event’ under ‘Venue Details’.

When you submit the event to publish, Explara will publish the event on Explara and correspondingly create a ‘Meeting’ in your Zoom.

The Live event will now start accepting registrations from your attendees.

When your attendee successfully registers to join your live event, Explara will add the attendee to your ‘Zoom Meeting’ as a participant.

Contact Support

You can chat with us if you have any queries on how to use Zoom with Explara. You can submit your query on chat, we log all our queries and respond to those.

In case, you don’t find us on our chat, you can contact us on
support@explara.com , we operate 9 am to 9 pm in Singapore and IST timezones. 


