How to use ExplaraBiz Subscription billing software?

Subscription software is part of a "Selling Online" option with ExplaraBiz. This means, if you wish to create subscription plans, then go to Dashboard and click "Products."

On the top right corner, click the "Sell Online" button, from the various product options, select Subscription.

Once selected, you are taken to the "Subscription plan" panel.

You will see three different plans to be created.

Fixed Price, Multitier Price, and Metered Price.

Select one of these plan types as per your need and start filling the associated form.

Fixed Plan: When your billing plan & price is fixed in nature, select this plan, fill the plan name, select the price per unit currency, and enter the per-unit price of your plan. 

Set the Billing interval depending upon the frequency at which you want to charge your customers.

Provide a short description of the plan and submit it.

Your Fixed Price plan is created.

If you want to add images, videos, you can do that on the Details & Setting page. You can also add Meta Tags and Meta descriptions etc. to augment your page SEO & ranking.

From Subscription Link & Widget, you can get the link to be shared with your customers, or you can take the widget code to be embedded in your website.

Multi-tier Pricing: This Subscription is suitable for a particular type of subscription model when you want to charge your customer periodically to pay for unit price or range of units. For example, if you wish to sell your products with a thought that if your customer subscribes for X units per month, then the per-unit cost would be $ A but if a customer wants to subscribe for Y units per month, then the per-unit cost of the same product would be $B.This way, you are able to allow your subscribers to subscribe to the same product with a higher number of units, thus reducing the cost of the product per unit.

Step 1: Fill the plan name, select the currency. Set the Billing interval depending upon the frequency at which you want to charge your customers.

Step 2: Set the Tier pricing from X to Y quantity and price per unit.

If you wish to add more tiered units, do so by clicking "Add more tier."

Step 3: Provide a short description of the plan and submit it.

Your MutliTier Price plan is created.

If you want to add images, videos, you can do that on the Details & Setting page. You can also add Meta Tags and Meta descriptions etc. to augment your page SEO & ranking.

From Subscription Link & Widget, you can get the link to be shared with your customers, or you can take the widget code to be embedded in your website.

Metered Price Plan: This plan is most suitable for those kinds of product or services where the price of the service usage is calculated at the end of the consumption period and its billing frequency. For Example - You want to charge your customers for the consumption of electricity units consumed in a particular month, calculated at the end of that month. Under this plan, your consumers subscribe to the product or service by simply subscribing to the plan and authorizing you to charge your customers at the end of the consumption period.

Step 1: Fill the plan name, select the currency. 

Step 2: Set the Billing interval depending upon the frequency at which you want to charge your customers.

Step 3: Provide a short description of the plan and submit it.

Your Metered Price plan is created. 

If you want to add images, videos, you can do that on the Details & Setting page. You can also add Meta Tags and Meta descriptions etc. to augment your page SEO & ranking.

From Subscription Link & Widget, you can get the link to be shared with your customers, or you can take the widget code to be embedded in your website.

